Sup. I am an artist and a musician, and an aspiring game developer. My list of interests and hobbies is evergrowing. I created this site to share my work in an underground manner.

It will take a while until I actually share anything that I've created. For the time being, I keep a blog that is currently centered around music, but may include literature, film, gaming, and arts sometime in the future.

While there may not be any major finished artworks or music shared on this website for personal reasons, I am willing to share small sketches and snippets for fun.

I hope you enjoy this little project.


Music genres: post-hardcore (progressive, "swancore"), screamo, progressive rock (especially 70s), death and technical death metal, thrash metal, grunge, acoustic folk, experimental, jazz (fusion and funk), metalcore, math rock and mathcore, classical (mostly piano), progressive metal, and sometimes shoegaze. In short: rock, classical, and jazz. I am open to trying any genre, but those are the ones I listen to most. Genres I listen to less often but still like a lot are indie, some types of electronic, Arabic traditional music, soundtrack, 70s and 80s Jpop, and others that I'm forgetting to list.

Book genres: philosophical fiction and classic novels.

My favourite book is House of Leaves.

More on music: although it's impossible to truly listen to every genre there is, due it the birth of more and more subgenres, I enjoy exploring what's out there. I'm not guaranteed to love everything that I hear, but I appreciate knowing that it exists.

You may use the guestbook for questions or answers to blogposts, or you may email me at radiohotline(at)disroot(dot)org.